Rachel Moore (Ran Mouri) |
Anime: Cased Closed (Detective Conan)
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Affiliated Characters: Conan/Jimmy & Richard Moore
Rachel Moore (Ran Mouri) is the heroine from one of my new favorite anime, Case Closed (Detective Conan). I just fell
in love with her right off the bat, ginormous ears and all! She's a fiesty girl who's willing to exercise her ability to go
all crazy upside a villian's head. She may be in love with Jimmy (Shinichi), but that's only because she doesn't know I exist..
yet! Yes, I do acknowledge that she isn't... isn't... isn't real. And if she was real, she couldn't be the winner of this
prestigious award. In conclusion: her kung fu is strong, she's kinda hott in that "weird, huge-eared" kinda way,
and she has boobs. Mmm good!
Fact: Her series, Case Closed, is the longest running anime in all of anime history!! Started in 1996 and is still going,
350+ episodes, and 7 movies!! Wowzers, it beat DBZ's 270+ episodes.