Anime: Samurai Champloo
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Affiliated Characters: Mugen & Jin
If you have Cartoon Network, then you've seen Samurai Champloo. And I know since you've seen Samurai Champloo, you've
kept an eye out for Fuu. She's that cute, spunky chick. Yeah, you know what I'm talking about. Don't talk like you don't know
- we all love Fuu and that's that. Let's spend a moment together and recollect the sound of her voice. ... ... ... There you
go! Now wasn't that great? You can almost hear that chirpping. OK, so this has been kind of weird so far. That's because I've
been thinking of crap to say to fill space. I can sum up Fuu's hottness in one phrase: very cute, but kinda spunky! That was
your moment of zin. No go look up some more pics of Fuu - I command it!