Mitsuki Sanada is the daughter of Ken Sanada in the "real" world. Mitsuki brings Kazuki back to her father when she feels
something special about him. Mitsuki's father sends Kazuki and Mitsuki into the parallel world. There, they become pilots
of core robots. However, Mitsuki arrived there 1 month before Kazuki. Mitsuki has a thing for Kazuki, but she has problems
showing it most of the time. Early in the series, Mituki is forced to live in the same house as Kazuki. She isn't very happy
about sharing her home with a stanger, but she eventually gets to like it. Mitsuki is prone to mood swings. One minute
she'll be angry and Kazuki for something that isn't even that big of a deal, then she'll turn around and be all sweet to him
and give him strawberries or something. She's also very, very jealous. All the guys at her school have a huge crush on Mitsuki.
She is a very good fighter, and her core robot excels in hand-to-hand close combat.
